Specifications are company specific notes associated with your budget and your accounts.
Each specification refers to one or more account groups in your Chart of Accounts. This means that the sub menu in Specifications is specific to your business with regard to both values and text. If you click on a specification, you will find all the financial accounts that are in that group.

Enter budget data, not accounting data
In the fields next to each account, you can enter your budget data if the column is white and is entitled "Bud". If the column has a pale background colour and is entitled "Act", it shows actual figures from your accounts. You can only change these in your accounting system. You can select which columns to display in the drop-down list just above the table.
Please note!
Remember to save the data by clicking on the orange save button or by hitting 'Enter' on your keyboard.
Use the Distribution Field
If you click on the account number, a Distribution Field opens up. Here you can enter an amount or a percentage for which you subsequently select a distribution key, i.e. you can select if the amount/percentage should be copied to all the months, distributed over the period, should be weighted or added on.
Click on the individual account name to go to the account specification. In each account you can specify further what the individual financial account contains. You can also view the detailed values in Dimensions.
Account Specifications
Account specifications are lines that detail the budget at account level. In budget123 you will be able to recognize accounts with specifications by the following symbols.
You can work with account specifications both in Assets & Liabilities and in Profit & Loss, and you decide how many account specifications you want to create.
Specifications Symbol | Explanation |

If there are calculations from a system account, a value adjustment, or if you have multiple account lines, you will see this symbol.

The blue symbol indicates that there is prime stock to be settled. The symbol appears primarily for creditors, debtors and paid VAT.

If you are working with dimensions and departments and have made budgets for them, this symbol will indicate which ones.